
Our Founder

The founder of LJM Memorial Hospice, Kate McLaughlin was inspired when questioned by the funeral director, John Tidworth about what she hoped for the future with her family. When faced with something she didn’t actually know the answer to he encouraged her with ‘what would Liam have wanted?’
Liam had expressed to Kate on occasions that when he dies she should be happy, she should use things they had learned through his illness and help others. This was where she took her idea from. Liam’s time out of home for ‘respite’ and palliative care service wasn’t anything like the care and environment she had expected and had experienced before and frankly was more stressed and upset when using the service provided.
Kate told John ‘I’m going to open up a purpose built hospice here in Perth. I’m going to create a wonderful place where families can come during the end stages of a loved ones life, where they can continue to live in a safe environment with enough staff to become personal with families not just administer medications. We will take a holistic and natural approach foremost, where nothing is missed out. Happy and fond memories can and will be made there.”
Kate McLaughlin

Kate was off on a mission and in less than 2 years from Liam passing, she gained a wealth of support and charity status for her not-for-profit mission.

Smiling patient

Our Vision

  • Treat the outlook of death positively and reduce the fear that normally surrounds it.
  • Give opportunities that will create a greater, happier quality of life and help reduce the fear and anxiety that comes from facing pain, illness and or death.
  • Neither hasten or postpone death.
  • Treat the person completely, spiritually and physically and holistically.
  • Provide services that will ensure every day activities can still be physically achieved.
  • Create a supportive professional community which can support dying people and their loved ones to deal with a diagnosis of terminal illness, end of life care and moving on with their life after losing someone they love.

Empathetic, humane and family-centred hospice care


Contact Us

Yanchep, WA
Opening Hours:
Mon – Fri: 9:00 am – 5:00 pm

LJM Memorial © 2023. All Rights Reserved